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(Former) Stables of the Castle of Burgfarrnbach/Fürth - 1734






How to find us

Museum Opening Hours

90768 Fürth - Burgfarrnbach,
Schlosshof 23

During opening hours you can reach us by phone:

Otherwise please contact us at
Tel: 0911-598 07 69
email: info(at)frauenindereinenwelt.de








Museum Frauenkultur Regional–International im Marstall von Schloss Burgfarrnbach/Fürth
Museum of Women's Culture Regional-International, Marstall of the Castle of Burgfarrnbach/Fürth


Sat, May 4 - 11 am
OPENING of the exhibition "Baustelle Frauenbild"
Marstall of Schloss Burgfarrnbach (newsletter in German)

  • 11 am: OPENING
  • Music: Josy Strößner - Querflöte
  • Greetings: Barbara Fuchs MDL, Carolina Molina, Intercultura
  • "Come together" with the Exhibition organizers and Artists
  • 2 p.m.  interactive art together with Christa Lösel:
    "Liberty needs a new dress"




May 4 through September 30, 2024

Die Ausstellung „Baustelle Frauenbild“ präsentiert unterschiedliche Sichtweisen auf Frauen*
Wir freuen uns auf lebhafte Diskussionen, wenn wir mit Künstlerinnen und Aktivistinnen aus der Region und von anderswo die Vielfalt aktueller Frauenbilder darstellen und unterschiedliche Positionen zu Gender und Diversität hinterfragen.
Beteiligte Künstlerinnen:
Mahshad Afshar, Elisabeth Bala, Benafsha, Catarina Chietti, Dagmar Dieterich, Mechthild Engel, Feroza, Margarete Hahner, Annette Horn, Katja Gehrung, Khatema, Irene Kress-Schmidt, Luz Lizarazo, Silvia Lobenhofer-Albrecht, Christa Lösel, Ute Plank, Razwan, Petra Annemarie Schleifenheimer, Christine Singh, Caro Suerkemper, Mary Sych, Gesa Will, Regula Zink
Museum Opening Hours
May, June, July, September: Sat., Sun.: 11 am - 5 pm
August: Sun.: 11 am - 5 pm
Individual tours possible (minimum 8 people)



Visiting our museum


Museum Opening Hours (Info)
- Please be mindful of the safety requirements and protective measures.




Please refer to our youtube, Instagram, Facebook and twitter for more information.






Proposal for Readers: Our magazine series, published by the association from 1990 - 2003, contains many surprising titles and articles, which could be written just as or only slightly changed today.
Since almost all journals are out of print, you can now download them as pdf files. You can find them in the menu under „Publications" (lists)

[news - archive]



Our supporters are:


"Making Her Mark", exhibition in Paisley, Renfrewshire, sister city of Fürth [EN] [DE
 Between Art and Quarantine [blog]


blog EN
Blog DE
blog SR



Pressespiegel (DE)