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Museum Opening Hours

90768 Fürth

During opening hours you can reach us by phone:

Otherwise please contact us at
Tel: 0911-598 07 69
email: info(at)frauenindereinenwelt.de






1995 and
"MUSEUM MOBIL" in the City of Fürth


Many chapters of female cultural history were “written" with the sewing needle, the oldest sewing tool.

In addition to the enjoyment of ability, women often produce handicrafts in women's groups, cooperatives or small alternative companies because they are barred from other occupational training. Particularly in Africa, Latin America and Asia, but also in crisis areas (e. g. through war, flight, system changes in former socialist countries), they must ensure survival for themselves and their children by selling these handicrafts. The promotion of such women's initiatives in the informal sector also enables them to acquire qualifications outside the official education system.

The textile objects of the exhibition “Über- Lebens- Kunst. Women's everyday life on fabric pictures" come from all continents. In technical diversity and artistic design they tell personal and collective stories of women. Embroidered, knitted, appliquéd and quilted, they document the lives of women from poor and rich countries, of different ages and milieus.

The works of art mediate between the worlds and promote mutual respect and appreciation of different forms of cultural expression.


flyer 2003 program 2009 (DE)




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