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Castle of Burgfarrnbach/Fürth

Opening: Gaby Franger

"Round table talks for peace"

Opening Lecture: Ute Scheub

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Flyer "Gespräche im Museum Mai 2015"







Horarios/Visitas guiadas





90768 Fürth

El museo no tiene barreras.

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Club telefónico (contestador automático); Museo (fuera del horario de apertura):
Tel: 0911-598 07 69
email: info(at)



Museum Frauenkultur Regional–International im Marstall von Schloss Burgfarrnbach/Fürth
Museo Cultura de Mujeres Regional - Internacional, Marstall Schloss Burgfarrnbach/Fürth

"Los hombres hacen la guerra, hacen que unas mujeres contribuyan y callan a las que quieren la paz"

Patriotic women and girls from all countries involved in the First World War knitted socks for their soldiers as a way to contribute to victory with these gifts of love. In the spring of 1915 - nine months after the beginning of the Great War - pacifist feminists from the United States and all countries, involved in the war, met in The Hague to stop the war. Some weeks earlier socialist women had had a conference in Bern. They all developed programs for peace but their voices were not heard.

With our exhibition - a hundred years after these women's peace conferences - artists, knitters and sewers, activists and scientists from all over the world, who want to overcome existing borders, are invited to reflect on present and past conflicts. At the center of the exhibition are creations and interpretations of artists working through painting, photography, textile art and installations on topics of war and peace related to conflicts within their societies. "Objects of Resistance" from the museum's collection and biographies of women from the region and elsewhere are the starting points for "talks in the museum", informal gatherings and literary events (soirees).




Reihe "Im Gespräch mit..." Verena del Carmen Koch Santibáñez. Ein Brief aus Chile (Okt. 2019) : Es fallen Schüsse auf Demonstrant*innen. Neue Bilder aus Chile - Die Rückkehr eines Phantasmas?  [Blog] 


AKTION in dieser Saison: 

"Wir stricken uns rund um die Welt"

 Socken sind wieder "IN" und in jeder Kultur sind sie ein bisschen anders!

Von Mai bis September stricken Frauen in Fürth Socken in der Tradition ihrer Heimatländer. Anlässlich von "Fürth ist bunt" (20.09.2015, 14 - 17 Uhr; Eintritt frei) werden sie im Museum versteigert.

Nähere Infos: Bertrun Jeitner-Hartmann
Kooperation: Integrationsbüro Stadt Fürth, Multikultureller Frauentreff e.V.