alemán español francés inglés serbio

Portraits of the 20 awardees of the "LiBeraturpreis" 1988 - 2008

"Die Geliebte des Notablen" 

Vénus Khoury-Ghata (im Bild li.o.),

LiBeraturpreis 1995

Bild-Text-Collage, in our exhibition






Horarios/Visitas guiadas





90768 Fürth

El museo no tiene barreras.

Museo telefónico (en horario de apertura)

Club telefónico (contestador automático); Museo (fuera del horario de apertura):
Tel: 0911-598 07 69
email: info(at)



Museum Frauenkultur Regional–International im Marstall von Schloss Burgfarrnbach/Fürth
Museo Cultura de Mujeres Regional - Internacional, Marstall Schloss Burgfarrnbach/Fürth

"Veinte escritoras de Asia, Suramérica y África sacaron a la luz duras condiciones de sus países y fueron premiadas en Frankfurt, Alemania. A su vez, este premio las hace visibles a ellas"

The exhibition is dedicated to 20 women writers from Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Korea, Suriname, Mexico, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe, Cuba, Haiti, Lebanon, Algeria, Pakistan, India, Egypt, Zimbabwe and Senegal, who have been awarded the Frankfurt LIBERATURPREIS for their socio-political commitment since 1988.

In artistic installations, images and photographs, the exhibition explores the contents of the 20 books and shows the biographies of the various authors, including the discussion of women's rights and the strategies of women's movements in the home countries of the LiB literature prize winners.


Flyer 2011

Initiative LiBeraturpreis (link)