award ceremony 2014 in the historical city council chamber of Nuremberg
How to find us
90768 Fürth
During opening hours you can reach us by phone:
Otherwise please contact us at
Tel: 0911-598 07 69
email: info(at)
About Us
‘Women in One World. Center for Intercultural Research on Women's Everyday Lives and International Exchange’, the association that runs the Museum Women's Culture Regional – International, was founded in 1989 by researchers, artists and educators of different native languages as an interdisciplinary forum for cross-cultural studies and international solidarity. We describe and analyse processes that affect women in a specific way, we point out disparities, but at the same time, we open new perspectives for possible action. We narrate global developments as they are reflected in biographies of women who communicate and are crossing borders. This approach allows us to discover commonalities in apparent differences and to change the perspective on the self and the other, the familiar and the alien, on development and what is understood as so called under-development. With our museum, founded in 2006, we offer a space for dialogue, to discuss controversies both locally and globally, both related to the past and the present.
Our approach to conscientization (Freire) is mainly rooted in the structures of women’s own lives, their inherent wishes, and the capacities of women themselves. The Museum Women’s Culture Regional - International gives women a voice, a face and a lively forum.
1993 and 2014 we got awards for our work by the city of Nurenberg/Bavaria
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"women's rights organisations"
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Flyer 25 years of "Women in One World" (pdf)
commemorative publication (pdf 5,3 MB German) 10 years of "Museum of Women's Culture Regional-International
about us "Women in One World" (youtube)