Mexiko Nov. 2016 - from left: Catherine M. King vom Global Fund for Women, Bettina Bab, Women's Museum Bonn, Gaby Franger, Freyja Filipp
Conferences and joint actions of the Women's Museums
2020/08 6th International IAWM Conference of Women’s Museums (program) | |
2019/08/27: Im Rahmen unserer internationalen Kooperation im Netzwerk der Frauenmuseen wird Gaby Franger die Ansätze und aktuellen Fragestellungen aus unserer Arbeit im Museo de la Mujer in Mexiko -Stadt vorstellen und diskutieren. (ES) | |
From 11 to 14 June, the International Seminar on Museum Governance of Senegal and Quebec 2019 took place in Dakar (IAWM) | |
18 - 20/10/2018 1st Asian and European Conference of Women's Museums in Istanbul (poster) |
12/2017 The book on the IAWM-Conference in Istanbul has been published Bild Press text (EN) WOMEN’S MUSEUMS: CENTRE OF SOCIAL MEMORY AND PLACE OF INCLUSION, edited by Meral Akkent, Güldünya Yayınları, Istanbul 2017, 236 p., ISBN 978-605-83000-3-3 order: istanbul.kadin.muzesi.info@gmail.com 20.- EURO incl. postage After we got the money we will send the book. Istanbul Kadin Kültür Vakfi (Women´s Culture Foundation Istanbul) FINANS BANK ISTANBUL TURKEY IBAN: TR49 0011 1000 0000 0036 3325 28 |
Further Informations
We congratulate the Frauenmuseum Hittisau on the “Austrian Museum Award 2017" | |
Montevideo: Joint exhibition of the Museum of Women's Culture and the Museum of Memory in Montevideo from 25 March to 19 April 2017.
"El Hilo de la memoria -- Der Faden der Erinnerung" |

November 2016: the new board of IAWM
from left: Gaby Franger (Germany/Fürth), Mona Holm (Norway), Kyehyeong Ki (South Korea), Catherine B. King (USA), Lydie Olga Ntap (Canada), Elsa Ballauri (Albania)
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