Call for poster design proposals
Published on January 2, 2022
Call for poster design proposals
Our Museum of Women´s Culture Regional - International in Fürth- Burgfarrnbach will lose its premises in the Marstall of Castle Burgfarrnbach as of 2023. Therefore, we call on you as an artist, creative or dedicated friend of our museum to support us with inspiring and exciting posters to ensure that this museum will also exist in the future.
Deadline February 28, 2022
We offer you the following
From all of your submitted designs Women in One World will select at least 8 posters for billboards and present them in the center of Fürth from March 8, 2022 onwards.
Additionally, we will present at least another 15 posters on billboards at other public places in Fürth.
Every submitted poster design will be published on our Social Media channels. Furthermore, all of these artworks – in original or as a print – will be presented at a special exhibition in July 2022.
A selection of posters will then be published in our exhibition catalogue.
All posters will include the following text:
The first and only Women´s Museum of Bavaria is situated in Fürth
2003 Foundation of the Museum of Women´s Culture Regional-International
2006 The Marstall of Castle Burgfarrnbach becomes our permanent location
2022 The location of our Museum is sold by the municipality
2023 ???
Here are three questions to inspire you in your poster design (feel free to choose any kind of art work, graphic, photo or just a saying)
- Was bedeutet Dir das Frauenmuseum?
- Was schätzt Du am Frauenmuseum?
- Warum braucht Fürth ein Frauenmuseum?
Deadline February 28, 2022
Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of questions or suggestions:
Copyright Frauen in der Einen Welt und Autorinnen bzw. Künstlerinnen und Fotograf*innen
Zeitungsartikel zum Verkauf des Marstalls:
Marstall-Debatte: Darf Fürth sein Tafelsilber verkaufen? (FN 02.11.2021 -
Marstall-Deal perfekt: Fürth verkauft sein marodes Baudenkmal (FN 23.12.2021 -
Droht nach dem Marstall-Verkauf das Aus fürs Fürther Frauenmuseum? (FN 28.12.2021 -