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Constructing Representations of Women on Ethnographic museums exhibition [blog]  
Meine Beine lernen – Gehen [blog]  
Die Jüngsten im Museum [blog]  


Öffnungszeiten und Preise
ACHTUNG: Geänderte regelmäßige Öffnungzeiten

Frauen in der Einen Welt e.V.
Postfach 210421
90122 Nürnberg
Tel: 0911-5980769
email: info(at)frauenindereinenwelt.de







Museum Frauenkultur Regional–International im Marstall von Schloss Burgfarrnbach/Fürth
Museum of Women's Culture Regional-International, Marstall of the Castle of Burgfarrnbach/Fürth


Wie weiblich ist die Stadt? Fürth und die Partnerstädte
Limoges/Frankreich, Marmaris/Türkei, Midoun/Tunesien, Paisley/Schottland, Xylokastro/Griechenland." (Flyer)
05. Mai - 31. Oktober 2018

How feminine is the city? Fürth and its Sister Cities Limoges, Marmaris, Midoun, Paisley, Xylokastro


The question of what a city, worth living in and lovable from the point of view of its inhabitants of all ages, experts and artists, should look like is discussed using the example of the city of Fürth and its partner cities. In installations, stories and portraits, photographs, films and art contributions, Fürth, Limoges, Marmaris, Midoun, Paisley and Xylokastro are viewed exclusively from female perspectives:
What makes a city attractive for its inhabitants?
What do you want from your town?
Where are women particularly visible, where do they meet and where do they like to stay?
Which women and their achievements in the past and present are the cities proud of?

With data, pictures, portraits, stories and installations on Fürth, Limoges, Marmaris, Midoun, Paisley and Xylokastro, answers are sought.

And visions of international female artists whet the appetite for a more feminine city.

You can purchase the catalogue for the exhibition! (token fee 10€)




From January to March, 2019
Exhibition in Midoun/city hall


Our museum is in winter break - for it our exhibition „Wie weiblich ist die Stadt“ (“How female is the city?") can be visited in Midoun on Djerba. It was opened on the 10th of January and is shown till the end of March, 2019 in the city hall.
In a 2-day specialist department „Frauen in der einen Welt“ (“Women in One World") and women from Midoun have exchanged their experiences and have discussed ways how the equalization can be promoted by women in the local authority districts.



exhibition in Fürth 2018


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Wir freuen uns über diese zusätzlichen Berichte und Empfehlungen:
Karin Tischer "food&more"
- Sendung im BR (nicht mehr verfügbar)
- Unsere Praktikantin Gül Aydın berichtet über ihre Erfahrungen (türkisch mit englischen Untertiteln)
Wir bedanken uns bei  Gülseren Suzan und Jochen Menzel, "transfers-film", dass sie Gül und uns den Film geschenkt haben.