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Comment nous trouver?


90768 Fürth - Burgfarrnbach,
Schlosshof 23


Frauen in der Einen Welt e.V.
Postfach 210421
90122 Nürnberg
Tel: 0911-598 07 69
email: info(at)





Museum Frauenkultur Regional–International im Marstall von Schloss Burgfarrnbach/Fürth
«Musée Régional-International  - Culture  des femmes» dans les écuries du château de Burgfarrnbach

Exposition "La Bonne - vom Dienstmädchen zur globalen Dienstleisterin", 2010, 2011

Exposition «La Bonne – d’une employée de maison à une servante mondiale», 2010, 2011

Household work is still considered to be female. The „Kleinigkeit Haushalt“ („bagatelle household") calls for division of labour, but between whom? As in the past, work is less divided between the sexes, and women now delegate a large part of their daily housework to women from other, mostly poorer countries. “Cleaning, cooking, caring" - for these tasks a new chain of women has been formed around the globe.

Equipped with its own hanging technique, the exhibition is easy to set up; culture-comparative about domestic helpers in Germany, Europe, West Africa, India and worldwide, with interviews and many objects, with historical as well as current photos of the “bagatelle" household.






suite: Musée et expositions



VIDEOFILM "Das bisschen Haushalt"


catalogue [DE]