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"My legs are learning - to walk"

Published on 24.11.2018

How many people who want to get from point A to point B start out on foot through rough terrain.

Among my childhood memories are barefoot walks in rugged furrows and over harvested fields, where hard stubble bored painfully into the bare soles of my feet.

Such a lot of German words use the word “gehen” (“to walk“) in metaphorical ways: „auf- und abgehen“ (back and forth), „vor- und nachgehen“ (lead and follow), „das Für- und Widergehen“ ("for and against"), „ein Unter- und ein Übergehen“ (an underpass and overpass, or, alternatively, to sink and ignore), das Durchgehen und ein Weitergehen (cross and moving on), …

My legs are learning – Tools for the passage.


Pictures and text: © Lisl Bala, Frauen in der Einen Welt
These pictures were part of the 2018 exhibition ”How feminine is the city? Fürth and its partner cities of Limoges, Marmaris, Midoun, Paisley, Xylokastro.” The text is an excerpt from the exhibition catalog.

Copyright Frauen in der Einen Welt und Autorinnen bzw. Künstlerinnen und Fotograf*innen





For more, see Gudrun Cyprian’s three “Interviews with Elisabeth Bala” (I  II  III)
go to "Wie weiblich ist die Stadt? Fürth und die Partnerstädte"

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