Exhibition "Technology#Female#Logical" 2020

In ANNA, ein Projekt der multimedialen Künstlerin Heidi Herzig, sind sizilianische Orangenkisten -N- Stauraum und Podest zugleich. ...
"ANNA, das ist die Assemblage aus multimedialem Material wie Hefte in Text und Bild, Drucke, Material-Objekte, Video", erklärt Heidi Herzig.
(learn more at "object of the week")

Technik ist unabdingbar. Sie ist ein unverzichtbarer Bestandteil unseres Lebens. Wir zählen darauf. Sie muss funktionieren, deswegen ist sie überhaupt da!
Aber was, wenn die Technik auf einmal nicht funktioniert, oder nicht so funktioniert wie es sein sollte?
(learn more at "object of the week")

Anfang der 1990er Jahre ging Valeria Sokolowa mit ihrem Mann zunächst nach Moskau, später nach Deutschland.
Sie kreierte ihre erste Homepage mit Qualifikationsprofil und fand Arbeit.
Im Ruhestand begann sie Nürnberg zu erforschen und schrieb einen Kulturführer. Und natürlich setzte und layoutete sie das Buch selbst. ...
(learn more at "portrait of the week")

We are stronger together. This is the very reason why networking is an important aspect.
Since 2002, the Simone Mentoring Program at the Georg Simon Ohm Technical University in Nuremberg has brought together professionally experienced women and MINT students.
(learn more at "portrait of the week")
Thuringian dumplings are at home in the "Coburger Land” (Upper Franconia). It’s a lot of work for the housewives to prepare those dumplings as part of their Sunday meals.
Approximately 50 years ago, smart cooks converted their laundry spin dryer into a spin dryer for potatoes
(learn more at "object of the week")

"Societies that let women work and contribute have stronger economies”, …
... That is Ilse Schmitt’s point of view. Born in 1936, she is one of the first female telecommunications inspectors for the German Federal Post Office in Nuremberg. She has 40 years of professional life behind her and has been able to experience the rapid development in data transmission technology, while working in the midst of a world dominated by men.
(learn more at "portrait of the week")

Ms. Kress-Schmidt creates new objects from computer parts and a wide variety of prefabricated parts: She creates animals, people, groups of people, and urban landscapes. Each component used remains a “thing-in-itself.” But it is also brought into a new, often ironic, context.
(learn more about the artist and her work at "object of the week")
Warm up frozen food? Quickly heat up a cup of milk? Sure. But there is more, and women lead the way: They use it to disinfect toothbrushes and dentures, sterilize sponges, dishcloths, dish brushes, cutting boards and mason jars. They use it to warm up grain pillows and moist compresses. They use it to replace stamps and stubborn labels – It’s a veritable – a mini-laboratory in the kitchen.

Carolina Martínez Linares: born in Bogota, Colombia; lives and works in Erlangen. Studied at the European Institute for Industrial Design. Earned her Masters at the School of Artistic Jewelry Design, Barcelona. Initiator of the creative workshop Coworkingspace, founded in 2018
(learn more about the artist and her work at "object of the week")

When Betül Pireci's mother came to Nuremberg in 1993, she was very young. She managed to graduate from school with the help of supplemental evening courses, despite also running a household with two children. She has passed on her strong passion for learning to her children.
(learn more at "portrait of the week")
„You were very lucky to get one in the GDR.“
Starting in 1960, the WM 63 took its place in the kitchen, allowing people to wash the laundry right there. If you were a little bit savvy, you could even “hack” the machine and find new uses for it. ...
(learn more at "object of the week")
This stack of magnetic disks was built with ten 14 inch disks and reading heads in between. It was developed in the 1970s to increase the storage capacity and speed of data processing and was controlled with micro programs for the first time.
Lender: DATEV e.G., Nürnberg.

Girls and young women are increasingly encouraged to turn to an education in engineering and technology. Our exhibition will feature distinguished female pioneers from the metropolitan region as well as women who currently hold positions in science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) and technical trade.
more informations you find here:
"Technology#Female#Logical 2020"
"Technology#Female#Logical 2021"
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